This going to be very random and all over the place. Its stuff that has been on my nerves all coming to surface in the form of a blog. If you think something may be about you or something you did, could be, if you get pissed off... Sorry click the the X at the top right of the screen. :)
-If you're in a relationship, awesome I'm happy for you, especially if its a good one. But reguardless good or bad do you really need to blow up your friends timelines with status updates about your other half? Honestly I bet 99% of the people dont want to read about what's going to happen when you're together. We know you love them or you wouldn't be with them. Changing your status to married when your not is stupid STOP! Grow up last time I checked were all out of 2nd grade by now. Not trying to say every post I make is majorly important and is not somewhat repetative but when its nearly every damn post, its fucking annoying and makes people hide your posts or at least it does me. I dont care about your I love you (insert name here) or I love (insert name here) post it on their fucking wall not as your status all the time.
-When you ask someone to help you run something for THEM, here's a giant clue DONT IGNORE THEM! Your not responding to me even when its about you I can't do shit for you to help YOU. I'm not Criss Angel I cant read your mind or know what your going to do next. Clearly you didnt want my help as bad as you made it seem in the first place. Its pretty ignorant to just use someone like that. And if you ever do decide to contact me, which I doubt will happen and you get irritated with me for not doing anything I'm going to tell you off, because when you dont respond to anything for months yeah I fucking stopped trying to do shit.
-Dont come looking for a small amount of money when you just got paid 50K what 3 years ago after a divorce. Question where the hell did that money go? Oh yeah probably on something that was a midlife crisis purchase and to your bills cause I know without looking your pay check is minimal. Here's a hint GO TO WORK more than 2 days a week. For fuck's sake I only work 16hrs a week and I work the same or more hours than you in a week. And I'm just about 29 years younger than you and I'm more responsible. Oh how I could go on about this and more on this subject, but I will stop before I get nasty.
-If you're a mutual friend.. correction if you were a mutual friend and its very obvious how one feels and that they've been through hell and back and through hell again. Dont contact me trying to fix things cause I'm pretty sure everyone knows where I stand and knows why. Then say you dont want to get in the middle, contacting me is putting yourself in the middle honey! For the 4th time at least I reach out to you to be the bigger person and offer to talk to you to once again try to express to you where I'm coming from and you say ok sounds good. Then a month goes by and I hear nothing from you about getting together to talk. I'm fucking done, I can only get burnt so many times, enjoy your life.
Part II probably coming soon.